31 March 2011

Athletics Gala 2011

Hey all :)

As we all know, the school had been hit with the Athletics fever at the end of last term. After a few weeks of practices, Irinah finally came in second place for both the Senior and Junior categories. The girls ran, threw and jumped as hard as they could. It was a splendid two-day event, with lots of medals coming in from every event.

The Juniors were leading the field event, but unfortunately they lost during the track events. Nevertheless, the Juniors made a remarkable achievement when Uzo broke the school record in the Junior Girls' Triple Jump, with a new record of 8.62m, beating fellow Irinian, Linda's record of 8.05m, set in 1999.

It was a challenging yet tiring event. Even though we didn't get first place, we were satisfied with the achievements we got. Congratulations to all Irinians who took part and did your best, and thank you to all the supporters for their constant cheers of encouragement. May Irinah shine in the next competition! :)


Syaza Nazura, 5L 2011

08 March 2011

A Little Bit About House Singing, 2010

The first few weeks of Term 3, 2010 always marks the most exciting few weeks of the year. The return to school after the summer holidays means that the highly-anticipated Inter-House Singing Competition is approaching, a chance for all the boarding houses to engage in friendly rivalry as they work to put on the best performances, combining singing, dancing, props, lighting and theatricality. Rehearsal time is limited, so co-operation from the whole house is required to pull off a great performance – no easy feat when you have a house of more than 70 teenagers!

The fierce competition was judged by a panel of three experts in music and theatre, comprising both internal and external judges. Decision-making must have been difficult, as outstanding performances were put on by all the Houses, including Naquiah, who took to the stage to perform their rendition of Tokio Hotel’s hit ‘World Behind My Wall.’ But the real stars of the night were the girls of Irinah, who took home the House Singing trophy for the fourth time in five years, a record-breaking achievement. It was clear that their upbeat and feel-good version of Disney’s ‘Kiss the Girl’ from ‘The Little Mermaid’ blew away the judges and audience alike. Coming in second were the boys from Imran, who rocked the crowd with Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’ featuring some very creative employment of UV lights, while in third place was Nadzimuddin who performed the catchy 80s hit, ‘Centerfold’ with their trademark use of cross-dressing to entertain the audience.

All in all, the night was a great success – a rewarding result of weeks of work and effort from the students, creating memories for them to cherish during and after their time at KTJ – especially Irinah House.

Yasmin Disney U6

06 March 2011

Welcome To Irinah!

My name is Angie Lee Chia Chien and I am known as Ms Angie. I am the present Housemistress of IRINAH HOUSE, a senior girls’ boarding house. Welcome to our website and I hope the following questions/answers will give you an idea of our hot and happening House!

1) How long have you been a Housemistress in Irinah?
I have been involved with boarding houses since 2003, starting as a Tutor in the Junior House, Naquiah. I have had the honour of being the Housemistress of Irinah since 2005.
2) Who are your assistants and what do they do?
I have a Resident Matron, Matron Ivy, two Tutors and a team of Upper 6 House Prefects. Ms Pathma is the Resident Tutor and Madam Yeoh is the Visiting Tutor.

Matron Ivy is a State Registered Nurse and she takes care of the medical matters in the house, liasing with the Health Centre. She helps me out with the daily cleaning and housekeeping in the house, general cleanliness and tidiness of rooms, etc.

Ms Pathma and Madam Yeoh rotate duty days with me and we maintain discipline and are in charge of the pastoral care of the students, especially prep time at night. We are assisted by the House Prefects. My present House Captain is Joyce and Deputies are Seow Wei and Elaine.
3) How many girls are there in Irinah?
There are presently 65 girls in the house. They are of mixed nationalities, e.g. Malaysians, Indonesians, Koreans, Cambodians, Taiwanese, Maldivians, Nigerian, Americans, Bangladeshis, etc.
4) What are the rooms like? And how are the rooms allocated?
We have four-bedded, three-bedded, twin and single rooms. The junior girls, in Forms 3 and 4 are usually placed in four and three-bedded rooms so that they learn to socialize, make friends and get along with one another. Immediately coming out of their rooms, we have a common area where things are always happening. It is here that the girls learn to mingle and catch up on the events that are going on in the school and house.

We have three school terms in a year and the girls are allocated different rooms and friends each term.
5) What are the facilities provided in Irinah?
We have the following :
a) Common Room – with air condition, TV, piano, billiard table, table tennis table, foosball, punching bag, etc
b) Pantry equipped with microwave ovens, convections ovens, toasters, water cooler, etc.
c) Laundry Room - with washing machines and dryer.
d) Library – with air condition, desks and chairs, computers, books, etc.
e) Surau
f) Renovated shower rooms and toilets.
g) Air condition in each room
h) Storeroom
i) 2 fridges

6) How is the daily routine in Irinah?
The girls are generally woken up at 6.45am and they all go for breakfast at 7.15am or earlier. Between then and the night, they go to school and go for their extra curricular activities (clubs and societies) and school or house games. They must be back in the house by 7.30pm and Prep time starts at 7.45pm. All the students will have staggered lights out time.
7) How do you discipline the girls?
For me respect and trust are very important aspects of my relationship with my girls. I have had very few major discipline problems. The rest are dealt with the present system of discussions, demerits and grounding.
8) What is the best thing that you like about Irinah?
The girls, of course! They are just like my daughters. It is a joy to see their development. There are so many personalities in the house and the older ones will always lend a listening ear or helping hand to the younger ones and vice versa. Their spirit is dynamic. And I have always encouraged them to always strive to the best of their ability, to be undaunted by failure and to have a sense of ambition and purpose. Hopefully by the time they leave the school, they will have developed into all rounded and successful students who are ready to make their positive impact in this world.
I welcome you to have a further look at our house by making an appointment with the Registrar’s office. You can also check out our blog at http://www.irinahktj.blogspot.com :)