30 November 2012

Swimming Gala 2012

All the other swimmers were drinking waves from the Irinians as the red hot dragons sped through the water like torpedoes at the annual Swimming Gala held on June 4th and 5th, 2012. The Juniors were on fire and emerged as Champions while the Seniors came in at a close second - both tremendous improvements from last year’s results.

It was clear that all the effort put in by everyone - all the intensive swimming sessions for the house representatives (where the experienced swimmers provided invaluable training and helped to correct technique) as well as the cheers and support from the rest of the house - had paid off.

Special mention would undoubtedly have to go to the Sixth Formers and Form 5 Internationals, who participated even in the midst of their external exams. And of course, not to forget, much thanks deservedly goes to our dear Housemistress and House Tutors who took the time to supervise every single swimming session.

Yet again, this success proves that we dragons can really do it all!


Serena Chew

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