For as long as most of us can recall, it has been a long standing slightly unorthodox - but that’s if you aren’t a ktj-ian of course - tradition for the foremost Saturday of a term to be without fail, elected as House Night, a phrase most strangers aren’t acquainted with, and yet it is the utter contradiction when it comes to us. That Saturday morning itself, palpable anticipation would be lingering in every crevice and corner of our school. Whispered intricate schemes of elaborate plans, unravelled like lullabies in the wind and this semester was clearly no exception.

Immediately and effectively, we were divided into four teams, in face of four separate challenges. Activities of such that consisted of us supporting, and I do mean literally, our teammates as they clung to a rock embedded wall and crawled sideways, somewhat akin to a crab, us heaving with all our might to raise one lucky individual up a safety harness, navigating each blindfolded other over a minefield of rocks and lastly, needless to say, the actual rock climbing itself.
Undeniably, it was a day well spent forging new bonds with the new intakes of this academic year and reinforcing the ones that have been withstanding for so long. Words of encouragement to one another flew freely from our lips and gales of laughter resounded throughout the day. And that is what Irinah prides itself for, is it not? Our fierce sense of camaraderie that binds us together and gets us by.
Irinah Dynamite, Don’t Mess with Dynamite!