Athletics Day

"For some of you, it's your last year, it's the last time you will be sprinting in that neon orange Irinah shirt, it's the last time you will strive in the name of Irinah. Try. Because one who tries her hardest, never regrets anything."

Words that helped calm the piling pressure and nerves creeping through every athlete the night before Athletics day.
Despite the intense pressure from fierce competitors and the lack of practice, Irinah girls bucked up and strived for that gold medal till their last sweat breaks.
With hindsight, Irinah 's senior girls swept most of the gold medals for the track and field events, crowning them champions of Athletics Day 2015. But nothing comes easy, a saying every Irinian holds dear. That ability to be able to tap into your inner strength takes time and patience and the act of marching forward together as a house is what we had been doing, is and will always do. Go Irinah Dynamites!