09 February 2017


On the morning of the 16th of November, the whole house woke up early for breakfast, proudly wearing our orange house shirts and ready to cheer on Irinah's swimmers for the annual Swimming Gala. It was clearly one of the most anticipated events of the year! All of us were cheering out loud, showing full support and encouragement for our swimmers throughout the whole event. The sun was scorching hot that day but instead of dampening our house spirit, our dragon spirit burned even more fiercely.

All smiles with Thaneesha (middle), our breaststroke swimmer, Petrina(left) and Karin (right).

            Prior to the event, our swimmers trained hard for multiple weeks in order to perform their very best during the competition. On top of that, they still have to participate in house run to train for cross country the following week. The weather for the past couple of weeks were horrible and it rained heavily more often than not which lead to the swimmers having to sacrifice a couple of their training hours.
Regardless of all of that, the hard work paid off as the seniors emerged as champions and even though the juniors came in fourth, they're still champions in our hearts. We’re also proud to say that we have some new record holders from our house! Big thumbs up for Munira, XinYee and Jin!

Our Senior Medley Relay Team!

To sum up this year's Swimming Gala, cheers to all the girls in Irinah for the never ending support, cheers to the Housemistress and the House tutors for the countless encouragement and supervision during the swimming sessions, cheers to the non-swimmers who helped out with the timings during the practices and last but certainly not least, cheers to the swimmers who made everyone in Irinah proud!

                                                                                                                                       Written by,
Farah Farzana, L6


            Cross Country is the one event that made all of us, Irinians trained our butts off for two months. Well, it would be an exaggeration to say that we trained like how the Spartans did but the first few trainings did leave us with muscle aches which have now turned into fond memories. I am proud to say that we were the first house that started training this year! We portrayed great commitment towards this event and it definitely paid off.
Our first house run, which was on the 12th of September was really tiring, even though it was only two rounds around the school. We started running once a week and soon after, it was a common sight to see us, Irinians running around the school grounds twice a week.From being able to only run two rounds, we completed three rounds and finally the actual cross country route which really tested us to our limits.
            Finally, on the actual day of cross country, we were all feeling jittery yet excited at the same time. This was the day we haveall trained hard and sacrificed our evening naps for. Before running, we warmed up togetherto heat things up before Kamilia, our dear deputy house captain gave her final words of motivation. “Each and every one of you is already champion to us”.We were all clearly feeling nervous but her warm words and bright smile made us feel better.
            The race started with juniors first followed by the seniors. One by one, we completed the run. Undeniably, the highlight of the day was when Irinah was crowned with double championship! We won for both junior and senior girls’ categories. Each and every one of us definitely did play a vital role incontributing to thetitle. Regardless whether we were slow or fast runners, we all gave our level best and we won as one. Cross country has left us feeling united and stronger than ever.
Writen by
Courtney Tang, L6