23 September 2011

House Singing Champions 2011


As effortless as ABC, Irinah girls showcased our confidence, merriment, showmanship and talents through the colourful rendition of ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’. We could hear excited cheers from the crowd from the moment the opening drama began, which gave us all the moral support we needed. It was ceaseless entertainment. Our solo singers amazed the audience with their excellent vocals; our musicians exhibited their outstanding skills with their instruments; the rest of us sang in harmony and danced to our hearts’ content. It was a great night, and we definitely had fun.

Indeed, there is more to winning. The many good hours of practice made unity a priority. Our girls made new friends among each other, regardless of seniority and cultural variations. Everyone was constantly contributing ideas for our routine; everyone was sharing. Everything was done together, from designing and making the props to choreographing the dance steps. We learnt that success could only be achieved through strong perseverance and a high level of discipline. We truly appreciate the endless encouragements given by our beloved housemistress, house tutors, and even our matron.

I can only say that these moments are ones for us to cherish throughout a lifetime. House Singing was all good fun, and even more to learn from.

Congratulations, Irinah.


Joyce Lau, House Captain 11/12

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