15 May 2014

Once an Irinian, always an Irinan!!

We are proud to announce that one of our former Irinians, Fatin Amin, recently competed at the 2014 Sunshine state Conference Championships with excellent results achieving the top scorer for her school team.

Fatin graduated from KTJ in 2010 and she is currently studying at University of Tampa, USA.

"Once an Irinian, always an Irinian. You can never stop the winning streak!"

Congratulations, Fatin!

Inter-house Basketball Tournament

The crowd was at a state of frenzy as yet another one of the Irinah girls made a shot for the hoop. It was on the 4th of May when the inter-house girls’ basketball competition took place in the hall.

During that Saturday afternoon, it was a rip-roaring spectacular as one match followed closely by another, with very limited rest for the players in between. It tugged at our heartstrings to see the Irinah girls either suspended in mid-air or sprawled on all fours with merely one aim in mind: to get the ball.

Their undying house spirit was evident all through the game as the main players gave their all at their battlefield whilst the rest cheered at the top of their lungs - as a house, as Irinah. Thus, it resulted in a close win for both the juniors’ as well as the seniors’ games, coming in third and second places, only on point difference, respectively. Though Irinah did not win, we did not give up and that is why we still emerged as the champions we are known for – as a house, as Irinah.

Written by Lok Kar Mun (4i)

10 May 2014

Irinah Leavers' Night 2014

I’m sure that most of you aren’t good with goodbyes, parting ways with friends that we have known for a long time. From strangers to housemates; from parallel lifelines to intercepting lifelines. We dine together, laugh and cry together; we share our thoughts and problems together, overcome obstacles together. But no matter how, the parting will happen when the time has come.

27 April 2014, we held our annual leavers’ night for the leavers this year. They put themselves on their best dinner outfits, hoping to have the most fabulous night. Their vivacious laughter and voices echoed in the common room when we were waiting for the bus. It’s hard to accept the fact that after summer holidays, these won’t be there anymore.

It was raining cats and dogs. It was the sky mourning for their loss.

After an hour of travelling by bus, we finally arrived at the Bangi Putrajaya Hotel. Awaiting us was a delicious buffet with scrumptious desserts which had us drooling at the sight of those gastronomical delights. We gave the leavers our handmade cards, an envelope with their group photo in it and chocolates as souvenirs. It was glad to see that we successfully put a smile on their faces.  

We kick started the night with our dearest Housemistress, Ms Angie’s speech. It was one of the most memorable speeches given as she confessed that this was one of the best batches for 5i and Upper Sixth that she has ever had.  Later, we had our first performance, by non-other than our 4i; The Cup Song. It was a combination of creativity and talent as they used cups to produce beats as they sang along. After that, we had a fairly challenging game organized by the Form 4 where all the leavers were required to dance to the music and freeze when it stops. For a player to not be eliminated, they must refrain themselves from laughing as the other girls tried their best to make them crack their demeanour. The difficulty rose as the game moved on, from making them laugh without touching them until we could make them laugh by tickling them. Everyone had their share of laughter and fun, including the ones that didn’t play.

We then continued the night with giving of our own of version of “Certificates” with hilarious titles for each leaver. House Prefects’ certificates were given out as a form of appreciation for everything they have done for Irinah. After the certificate giving ceremony, the entire ballroom blacked out. Merging out of the darkness was the Irinah Lower Sixers, lining up side by side while marching out to the stage with candles in their hand as they sang the Irinah version of “Hey Jude”. Before the night ended, our House Captain, Jia Hui and Ili Nadhira sang a farewell song dedicated to the Upper Sixers. Tears were shed as the prospect of farewell loomed in everyone’s hearts. Once an Irinian, always an Irinian.

The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again – Charles Dickens


Written by Sie Kei Wong & Nicole Yoong