15 May 2014

Inter-house Basketball Tournament

The crowd was at a state of frenzy as yet another one of the Irinah girls made a shot for the hoop. It was on the 4th of May when the inter-house girls’ basketball competition took place in the hall.

During that Saturday afternoon, it was a rip-roaring spectacular as one match followed closely by another, with very limited rest for the players in between. It tugged at our heartstrings to see the Irinah girls either suspended in mid-air or sprawled on all fours with merely one aim in mind: to get the ball.

Their undying house spirit was evident all through the game as the main players gave their all at their battlefield whilst the rest cheered at the top of their lungs - as a house, as Irinah. Thus, it resulted in a close win for both the juniors’ as well as the seniors’ games, coming in third and second places, only on point difference, respectively. Though Irinah did not win, we did not give up and that is why we still emerged as the champions we are known for – as a house, as Irinah.

Written by Lok Kar Mun (4i)

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