25 April 2016

(TERM 3, 2016)

Last week was the much anticipated football season of the term. With such little time to prepare at the beginning of term, it seemed as if the odds were not in our favour. As Irinah won the Netball Inter-house last term, as usual, there was the high expectation that Irinah would claim all the football trophies. Unfortunately, Irinah did not win every single match and although disappointing to some extent (even tears were shed on the field) we did not let our small losses defeat us. We still felt proud that we had given it our all.

Irinah had a very strong team for the juniors. Joanne was an excellent keeper and had epic moments where she blocked the powerful kicks of the opponents. The triple threat that is Kartika, Tania and Fariha, was a force to be reckoned with as they relentlessly pushed forward as an offense towards the opponent’s goal. Even when Tania got injured and had to be brought out of the field over the shoulders she returned back with greater determination to win. Yasmine, the defender, had golden moments where she kicked out the ball away from the goal. As a whole with Jia Qing, Shu Yao, Ashalena and Kyra, the juniors’ team played like a Champion. Although it was 0-0 against Jawahir and the victory earned by Alia 1-0, there was no doubt that the juniors put on a strong performance.

As Munira led the seniors’ team with great vigour, the seniors were also able to perform well. Alia was defeated by 1-0 but not quite so easily, with near goals that the defenders were able to kick away. In addition, an unfavourable weather resulted in the second-half to be continued the next day. In the match against Jawahir, it was an unfortunate loss of 2-1, Jawahir being a tact and strong team to beat. Their striker Putri scored the two goals but their team overall was tenacious. With a beautiful shot from Munira that earned Irinah’s goal and the persistent performance by our defenders Grace, Ke Li, Carol and the midfielders Rachel, Sangeetha and Azrina. Not to mention myself (Karin), the goalie, who have never played in a football match. We were overall proud with our efforts and we hugged the Jawahir girls at the end of our last match of the season, shrugging off any bad competitive vibes.

Munira (left) and Grace (right) in the senior’s team!

(From left to right) Joanne our keeper standing guard, Yasmine blocking Ana from Jawahir, Kyra and Jia Qing anticipating the next move.

Written by:
Karin, L6

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