After a long tiring day, the last thing you’d want to hear is the sound of the bell and our house captain’s voice saying “ALL ATHLETES TO THE FIELD NOWWW” Diligently, all the
participants followed and persevered through this repeated routine up till the big day. However,
it was unfortunate (not really) that the weather was not on our side most of the time and be-
cause of that many practices had to be cancelled.
participants followed and persevered through this repeated routine up till the big day. However,
it was unfortunate (not really) that the weather was not on our side most of the time and be-
cause of that many practices had to be cancelled.
18 Nov 2017 - The big day has finally arrived. Everyone got up early to prepare for the day
they’ve been waiting for. Our fellow Irinians geared up into their orange jerseys with the
dragon spirit pumped in them and made their way to the main field. The rest of the other
houses have already started their warm ups upon our arrival. Quickly, we placed our things
down at our reserved tents and caught up with the warm ups.
they’ve been waiting for. Our fellow Irinians geared up into their orange jerseys with the
dragon spirit pumped in them and made their way to the main field. The rest of the other
houses have already started their warm ups upon our arrival. Quickly, we placed our things
down at our reserved tents and caught up with the warm ups.
The sun was scorching hot that day but nevertheless we stood strong and our athletes made
way to their respective events with a ribbon tied onto their ponytails. It was an absolutely
amazing event; the field was dyed with rainbow colours of the houses, banners were waved
around and the atmosphere was filled with the cheers of each houses (in which obviously
Irinah’s was the loudest) GO DYNAMITES!! Despite the blazing heat, our athletes fought
extremely well. It was a tough battle with the lead constantly shifted back and forth from but
eventually, we managed to maintain the defending champion titles for Seniors Athletics and
Tug of War, with the juniors emerging as runners-up by just a millipoint away.
way to their respective events with a ribbon tied onto their ponytails. It was an absolutely
amazing event; the field was dyed with rainbow colours of the houses, banners were waved
around and the atmosphere was filled with the cheers of each houses (in which obviously
Irinah’s was the loudest) GO DYNAMITES!! Despite the blazing heat, our athletes fought
extremely well. It was a tough battle with the lead constantly shifted back and forth from but
eventually, we managed to maintain the defending champion titles for Seniors Athletics and
Tug of War, with the juniors emerging as runners-up by just a millipoint away.
The day ended with smiles plastered onto everyone’s faces. All those dreaded training
sessions were deemed worth it after the sweet taste of victory.
sessions were deemed worth it after the sweet taste of victory.
“Hard work pays off”
Written by,
Shing Yee, L6
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