20 April 2018

Swimming Gala 2018

Suited up in swimsuits, lathered in sunscreen and armed with a pair of tight goggles and
even tighter swimming caps, the Irinah Swimming team was ready to dive into the action.

As always, the Irinians were the first to arrive, filling out the small Orange tent that was
provided. Ritualistically, the athletes hit the showers straight away and started to get
their limbs moving with some routined warm-ups and stretches. As soon as the other
houses started arriving, the swimmers for the first few events were already in the water
getting their legs and arms warmed up and ready to go.

Soon enough, the events commenced. The splashes in the water seemed to syncopate
the  cheering from each house. Our swimmers seemed to move methodically in the water,
like it was second nature. Despite the challenges women have to face monthly and despite
the sun, the Irinian swimmers didn't fail to make the house proud with record-breaking
results that went off the charts.

At the end of the event, when we all walked towards the dining hall feeling as if we've just come
out of a sauna from the humidity that day, we still had smiles on our faces, proud of the
achievements and thankful for the sacrifices the seniors made to make us rise above and over
the charts. And as we always say: don't mess with dynamites!!!

Written by,
Rebecca Leong, L6.

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