26 March 2012

Athletics 2012

Big happy smiles shown upon the faces of the excited Irinians

As we all know, Athletics was held last Saturday. The girls were pretty nervous but all was well when we went up to the field. The competition was tough but as always, the Irinah girls made it through with the Juniors taking up first place and the Seniors in second. 

Go Irinah!

Despite the blazing heat, the girls had enough energy to cheer for one another to boost up the confidence in their team mates for the whole day. It was amazing, the pom-poms that flew in the air, the banners that were waved around, and the loud but cheery voices of the Irinians chanting the Irinah cheer.

And on another good note, we broke five school records! It's amazing how team work and a lot of practice can lead to in the end.


written by: Zenty Suraya

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