29 January 2012

Cross Country 2012

First place for Junior Girls : Vincy Bu
Tension and house spirit filled the air on the sunny Tuesday afternoon of the annual Cross Country race. The whole of Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar was dotted with students in different brightly coloured shirts, eager to prove that their House was the best. But of course, it was the striking dynamite orange that stood out amongst all.

Even from the start, cheers from the Irinah girls could be heard all over the school. After all the house runs and tiring trainings, this was it. Each Irinian knew that they had to try their best and they did, considering that this was not that hard, what with fellow Irinians cheering them on to keep going. In the end, Irinah came in 3rd in the Junior Girls Category and emerged as Champions in the Senior Girls Category.

We're almost there :)
Surely, this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Ms Angie, Ms Pathma, Madam Yeoh and Matron Ivy. But undoubtedly, the true winners were the Irinah girls themselves who not only pushed themselves to their furthest potential but also encouraged each other on. Even those who were injured and were unable to participate pitched in by acting as water girls, giving much needed moral support. Everyone accomplished much more than they thought they were capable of. May this success remind us and spur us on to put in as much effort into the race of life.


Serena Chew, L6 2012

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