12 January 2015

Cross Country 2014

Weeks before the red letter day, we could heard the ringing of bell and our house prefects shouted: ‘HOUSE RUN, OUT OF HOUSE!’ and this clearly proves that the Irinians had been practicing hard to prepare ourselves for the Cross Country race!

On that Saturday morning, everyone assembled at the main field before the race started. The main field was dotted with students who were wearing their respective colourful house shirts, there were yellow, red, blue, green, purple, pink and of course the striking dynamite ORANGE!

Throughout the race, we Irinians tried our best to finish the race. Despite the muscle ache, we pushed ourselves to the max until we reached the finishing line. Finally, our hard work paid off and Irinah emerged as champion in Senior Girls Category!

Undeniably, the tremendous support and non-stopped cheering from the other Irinians who were unable to participate in the race had boost up our determination and perseverance to complete the race. And of course, not to forget, much appreciation to Housemistress, Ms Angie, Ms Pathma, Madam Yeoh and Matron Ivy who had supported us throughout the race.
Yet again, the spirit of the dragons has been shown! A round of applause to all the Irinians for bringing glory to the house! Unfortunately, the juniors have not completed their race yet due to a rerun and we would like to wish them “Good Luck!!” and all the best in the coming rerun race.
Written by Tay Shin Yi, L6



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