28 January 2015


           On the 25th of January 2015, Irinah and Nadzimuddin joined forces and held the first ever ‘Nadzirinah Carnival’ . The Lower Sixes planned the successful carnival since last year and they have put a huge amount of effort to make sure that everything went smoothly.

   Many of the performances were a hit thanks to 4i, 5i, the Lower 6 and the Upper 6. The food booths were also visited by a lot of the students. We sold Cheesy Nachos, Pizza Rolls, Chocolate Fondue, Muffins, drinks, nasi lemak, fried meehoon and many more. Let’s not forget about the Fortune Telling Booth and thrilling games the students enjoyed such as football and bowling. Besides that, the open Mic Challenge was also popular amongst the students. A long list of students signed up to showcase their hidden talents such as singing and dancing. 

          Everyone had an enjoyable time that afternoon! We not only learned about managing an event, but we also bonded through all the planning. A huge thank you to Irinah, Nadzimuddin, our Houseparents and of course all the students who came to support us, making this a memorable event!

Written by Geraldine Leng, L6

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