31 January 2016


Far from shopping malls and the city bustle, Eagle Ranch was chosen once again as Irinah’s House Night destination for this term. Clad in t-shirts and sport shoes, the Dynamites were ushered onto the two awaiting buses outside the house after the end of school on Saturday, January 16.

Upon reaching the cowboy-themed recreational resort an hour and a half later, we teamed up with our pre-determined group members and were taken to different locations in the resort to undergo team-building activities, one of which was called Bridge over Troubled Waters. Equipped with only three planks and a couple of ropes, the mission is to get a ping-pong ball in a container of water, as well as each and every team member, safely across a make-believe river. This activity truly tested our ability to cooperate, coordinate, and think critically in order to get across. This wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be and it took us several tries before we finally managed to figure out the solution.  
Pleased with our little achievement, we followed the facilitators to the other end of the resort. There was another challenge for us complete. And by another, I actually meant twenty more, because the next (and final) activity was a 20-feature obstacle course.  Teamwork was truly the crux of this activity as it was virtually impossible to complete all the elements in this course without the assistance and support from our own team members. The end of the activity left many of us with a sense of satisfaction at having survived an obstacle course that we were initially convinced was too hard for us to complete.

Our day ended with a gratifying dinner of barbequed chicken, fish and lamb, with a side of pasta, potatoes and delicious dessert, after which we boarded the bus back to KTJ.   

-Written by Nurul (L6)-

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