29 February 2016


          The first interhouse sport of this term is the interhouse cross country competition. This event is unlike any other because this is the only sports event where everyone in the house gets to participate in. As the competition drew nearer, our intense training sessions began. Everyone devoted their time and energy to weeks of arduous training. With each training, not only did our stamina get better, but we gained something even more valuable, the bond amongst ourselves grew stronger! 

          On the day of the competition, everyone was feeling excited yet nervous at the same time. Seeing everyone in their bright orange shirts accentuated our desire to put our best foot forward in making Irinah proud! Fuelled with determination, the dynamites tried their best to complete the track within the shortest time that they were capable of. After crossing the finish line, we cheered for our Irinians to complete the race. Our dragon spirit was truly extraordinary that our exhaustion was the last thing on our minds.

            We anxiously awaited for the results to be announced. Irinah’s junior girls emerged as champions and the seniors were first runner up! It was a tight competition for the senior category as we lost by only two points! Nevertheless, we are immensely proud of ourselves. Cross-country made us stronger both mentally and physically, but most importantly, it brought us closer together as a house.

Written by Nur Shazlin (L6)

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