This term's Interhouse Netball
Competition ended with a bang as the Irinian underdogs (or should I say
underDRAGONS) emerged as the champions in both junior and senior tournaments
which I bet nobody, not even ourselves saw it coming. The matches were
undeniably all very intense with many players once again gaining
purple-greenish battle scars on various parts of their body. Not to mention,
the collective effort of the rest of the house having sacrificed their vocal
chords and once again achieving the forever KTJ sunburnt skin! Finally, all
that rush of stealing fruits from the cafeteria, hurriedly scarfing leftover
food to make it back home by our lockup time, hot potato drills and endless 6-7
pm practices has all been worthwhile. And as everyone hugged and flung their
arms in the air with joy despite the sweat and tears, all that came into their
mind was not the joy of winning, but the sense of accomplishment as a team and
most of all, house makan!
The IRI team giving their absolute best.
The explosion of joy the second the whistle was blown.
The heroines we all know and love of the day.

The explosion of joy the second the whistle was blown.

The heroines we all know and love of the day.
Written by,
Jinnie Goh (L6)
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